New assignments will be posted every Wednesday and the discussion will continue through Tuesday. End of day on Tuesday the previous week’s discussion thread will close and the discussion will move to the new assignment.

Video Summary


Your assignments this week are as follows. Do your assignments and post the answers in the forum. Remember to cite your source. We’ll comment and discuss in the forum.

Next Wednesday, I’ll post a video summary.  


If your last name starts with B, A, D, E, or F

  1. How long after an AV fistula can the patient start using it for dialysis?
  2. Which nerve blocks would you look for Horner’s syndrome?
  3. When a patient has an EBL of 250cc, what do you expect to replace it with? (Answers being 250, 500, 750, 1000 crystalloid).
  4. How do you position a patient post operatively after a septoplasty?
  5. A patient is s/p some transsphenoidal surgery, what education do you provide them?


If your last name starts with C, G, I, J, or K

  1. How do you assess for Peroneal nerve damage?
  2. A nurse shuts off an alarm on a pacu patient and does not see when the patient goes into a lethal rhythm, what is this nurse guilty of?
  3. Your patient has narrow complex QRS and a heart rate in the 170’s and a low BP. How do you treat this??
  4. OSA/COPD patient post op instructions 1) avoid all pain medications. 2) sleep supine 3) sleep on side or prone 4) Something different?
  5. What are the triggers for Sickle Cell Crises that should be avoided during surgery?


If your last name starts with S, L, N, O, or P

  1. Your patient admits to a history of cocaine abuse and reports that he’s used cocaine this morning. What s/s do you monitor for?
  2. How often are disaster drills done?
  3. Placing a femoral block using the nerve stimulator technique, which muscle will twitch?
  4. What post op instructions would you give a patient after a stapedectomy concerning clearing their away of secretions?
  5. What type of mask does the nurse wear when caring for a patient with influenza? 


If your last name starts with H, Q, R, T, or U

  1. The patient receives a blood transfusion and develops a local rash. What type of reaction is this?
  2. Understanding the duration of Toradol, when is the best time to administer this drug for post operative pain control?
  3. What medication in the patient’s med list would make Flumazenil (Romazicon) a contraindication?
  4. The patient s/p wound debridement is positive for MRSA. What type of isolation?  
  5. Which one is the implementation phase of the nursing process: The patient will maintain normothermia, the nurse teaches the patient about post op wound care, the patient was able to verbalize the steps needed to care for the external fixator, The surgical team consults the preference card for the upcoming procedure.


If your last name starts with M, V, W, X, Y, or Z

  1. What is a root cause analysis?
  2. The patient had a bupivacaine epidural as well as local injection of 1% lidocaine for post op pain control. In the PACU the patient begins to seize and is hypertensive and tachycardic. What does the perianesthesia nurse prepare to give?
  3. How does long term steroid use affect somebody going to surgery?
  4. The patient has hemophilia and has had epidural anesthesia for surgery. In the PACU the patient becomes incontinent for urine and stool. What complication does the perianesthesia nurse suspect and what treatment is anticipated?
  5. How do you treat Supraventricular Tachycardia?

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