Welcome !
Click here & choose “Downloads” to download and print your book
We are so glad you chose to trust us in helping you prepare for AND pass your CST Certification Exam!
At your own pace, you will work your way though our entire course taking an assessment and practice quizzes along the way. Our quizzes are timed to the same pace as the CST exam so you can get a good feel of the time you really do have while testing.
It is the exact same information as our live classes and webinars. This course carries the same 8.0 Continuing Education Credit hours. You will receive your certificate upon completion of the class and submitting the online evaluation. You can always log in to your account to download or print your receipt and certificate or just give us a call for assistance (803-271-0744).
You have 120 days from purchase to complete the course. You will probably finish the course before your access expires so you can use the remainder of that time to go back and review any area you identify as your “areas of opportunity”.
We truly consider ourselves your Perioperative coaches (and cheerleaders) and we are committed to get you through this difficult exam. So when we say “Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any reason” we really mean it. We are here to help in any way we can, even after you have CST in your credentials. We are your “go to” for all things Perioperative.
You can always reach us at (803) 271-0744 or email Wendy (our Founder) here.
So sit back, have fun and let us know if we can help with ANYTHING.[/student]