New assignments will be posted every Tuesday and the discussion will continue through Monday. Every Tuesday the previous week’s discussion thread will close and the discussion will move to the new assignment.


Video Summary

Your assignments this week are as follows. Do your assignments and post the answers in the forum. Remember to cite your source.

At the end of the week, I’ll post a video summary.  


If your last name starts with B, A, D, E, or F

  1. What is strike through?
  2. What are the s/s of DIC?
  3. The circulator gathers equipment for the upcoming procedure. What part of the nursing process is this?
  4. Root cause analysis after blood incompatibility. The occurrence looks at: A. blood bank policies, B. hospitals systems, C. nursing policy and procedures.
  5. Give an example of the implementation phase of the nursing process


If your last name starts with C, G, I, J, or K

  1. What are ebonized instruments for?
  1. Sodium bicarbonate is added to local anesthesia medication. Why?
  1. Patient positioned in Reversed Trendelenburg; what positional device used to prevent footdrop?  a. Pillows,             b. Heel protection, c. Padded footboard d. Something else.
  2. The trauma patient has been oozing from non-surgical sites. What does the nurse suspect? 
  3. Which one is the implementation phase of the nursing process: The patient will maintain normothermia, the nurse teaches the patient about post op wound care, the patient was able to verbalize the steps needed to care for the external fixator, The surgical team consults the preference card for the upcoming procedure.


If your last name starts with S, L, N, O, or P

  1. Is alcohol mechanical or chemical disinfection?
  2. Consent reads ex lap possible bowel resection, surgeon decides to remove part of colon, what do you do: tell surgeon to get another consent, tell them they’ll have to get new gowns and gloves, write a note about it, something else?
  3. What is the temperature of sterile storage?
  4. Why is it important to maintain humidity in a surgical suite between 20-60%?
  5. What do you do first for a patient with Vfib??   


If your last name starts with H, Q, R, T, or U

  1. What are the early signs of hypovolemic shock?
  2. What type of emboli is most at risk during a long bone procedure?
  3. Ethylene Oxide sterilization depends on what four parameters?
  4. What is the waste product of an Ozone sterilizer? Is it environmentally safe?
  5. If a patient is in Afib. The nurse prepares for: A. cardiac arrest, B. cardioversion, or C. pacing


If your last name starts with M, V, W, X, Y, or Z

  1. New ESU device. What is important? Train staff on new equipment, have rep available for support, clinical staff input not required, procedure regarding usage written.
  2. Define enzymatic cleanser.
  3. When treating an inmate. What does the nurse keep in mind according to Nursing code of ethics?
  4. What is the role and function of OSHA?
  5. How do you clean/disinfect an LMA?

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